We've Got Issues

How conservative 'culture wars' whitewash glaring American fascism

Episode Summary

Joshua Holland speaks with Dan Froomkin about how normalcy bias and both-sideism makes America's political press an enabler for an energized far-right movement that threatens our democratic tradition. And then we're joined by The American Prospect's Jarod Facundo to talk about the right's relatively new propaganda about "critical race theory" and "wokeness" in our schools.

Episode Notes

This week, Joshua Holland offers a rant about all of the nearly identical pieces he's read about how the law is about to catch up to Donald Trump and his minions. 

Then we speak with Dan Froomkin about how normalcy bias and both-sideism makes America's political press an enabler for an energized far-right movement that poses an ongoing threat to our democratic tradition. 

And then we're joined by The American Prospect's Jarod Facundo to talk about how the right's relatively new propaganda about "critical race theory" and "wokeness" in our schools is just thin cover for its longstanding project to undermine public education and destroy teachers' unions--and how it isn't working out quite like they'd hoped.  
